So, when the Coronavirus came to town and we were driven inside our homes, businesses big and small shut down. For how long? We still don’t know. As much as all of us are scrambling to schedule and reschedule and reschedule, time seems to stand still. At the same time, a day can go by pretty fast in the land of “shelter at home”.
What to do? Well, studios, quite a bit bigger than mine got online right away with streaming classes. My tech challenged self-took a little longer to get my s@#& together. But I am now offering 30-minute classes on Mon, Wed, and Fridays. Nothing as extensive as what I see coming from those bigger studios, but something…right? Right?
At the same time, I was watching fellow thespians posting at-home performances on Facebook. Singers, dancers, actors continuing to display their craft online while all of the performance venues and theatres are shuttered. I was contemplating doing a little “Cooped Up Cabaret” series but thought, you know, there’s already a lot out there to watch and enjoy. Besides, singing into the eye of one iPad doesn’t really inspire a brilliant rendition of anything…right? Right?
So, it got me thinking…what is our future? Is Remote our new Reality?
Recently, so much has been transferred from live, in person events to YouTube, Facebook, Insta-live and of course, Zoom. Fundraisers, Concerts, Plays, Mass, Happy Hour…it seems almost anything can be shifted to an online experience. But is it better? For now, it’s the only thing we have. But for those who claim this could be our new normal? Well, let’s hope not!
As a Pilates Trainer, I can tell you that no Zoom class can take the place of live interaction with your clients. They may like the very limited amount of corrections they get from me because I can’t see what everyone is doing half the time. But nothing can take the place of being in a real class versus a virtual one. I’m sure my clients agree…fingers crossed.
As an actor, no amount of “going viral” can take the place of performing in front of a living, breathing, feeling audience. All of us open to sharing stories about…us. As a theater goer, there is nothing like the live, electric, theatrical experience. As my best friend Robbin used to say, “No amount of “hits” can hit home like a great performance.”
So, where will we be after the world stutteringly returns to some sort of normal? Hopefully, back in the same room, with each other.
Work out smart! Hope to see all of us back in the gym!